Welcome to New Jersey Pine Barren Golden Retriever Club

Servicing the Southern New Jersey and Adjoining Delaware Valley Areas

Golden Retrievers have been one of the most popular breeds in the United States for many years. This people-pleasing breed is not only one of the best family companions, but is well suited for more than being a companion and friend. Because of their temperament and instincts, Goldens excel in field work, agility, obedience, service and rescue.

The New Jersey Pine Barrens Golden Retriever Club (NJPBGRC) is dedicated to nurturing and encouraging all Golden Retriever owners. Our clubs members are diverse in interests, therefore we focus on a variety of topics and events to support the interest of all members.

We encourage all Golden owners in the area to come to any of our free, public meetings that are held monthly. Meet our club members. Experience the common bond owning and loving a Golden Retriever and we guarantee you’ll want to be a member as well.